Tuesday, September 01, 2009

2009 mileage and trailwalker

2008 Mileage (2008/2007 in brackets)

JAN - 118 (292/251)
FEB - 253 (57/268)
MAR - 221 (239/165)
APR - 325 (96/181)
MAY - 185 (53/183)
JUN - 301 (176/259)
JUL - 295 (230/193)
AUG - 15 (222/117)
SEP - (106/127)
OCT - (132/108)
NOV - (169/135)
DEC - (241/101)

TOTAL - 1713 (2013/2088)

Looking back over the year, it seems that my mileage has been higher than I thought. Even with the terrible August, I should be well over my 2007 and 2998 totals within a couple of months.

285k on the bike as well in August, trying to maintain some fitness. I will head back out for a run this week to test the foot.

A bit of a bludgy week last week. Only a few rides for a total of 60k. I was actually pretty tired before trailwalker and even though I wasn't running the actual day took it out of me, getting up at 4am and getting to bed at 2am.

With me pulling out, Innes kindly stepped up only for his wife to fall into labour (3 weeks early) just after the team transfers and money had been paid which was pretty funny. Even funnier was the fact that Tim 2 delivered the baby.

After a quick search Terry was the fill in of the fill in. I picked all the boys up and headed out to Brooklyn for the 7m start. Dad decided to tag along which was nice. A bit of company and a bit of training for future crewing duties (I hope).

There was no access to crews at CP1, so we just watched all the teams go past. Chasing Brick was in about 15th place however there were a few groups who were already looking to struggle after 15k. We head down to Berowra ferry for a look and then up to cP2 at Berowra. The boys cruised in and didn't take too much time - all good so far. I was a little worried about Paul. He was running with some pretty experienced runners and he had never gone past 42k. He seemed chirpy enough which was good. Onto the next checkpoint.

The next checkpoint was apple tree bay near bobbin head. The boys were a little later than expected and I feared the worst for Paul. However when the boys arrived it was Brick who was struggling. The vomit bug had gripped him. The boys remarked how quickly he was walking and to be only 5 mins behind schedule lifted everyone's spirits.

No access to CP 4, so off Dad and I went to CP5 and St Ives showground. I got a call from Paul who said Brick was still vomiting and they were giving him some time to recover at CP4. The boys seemed really worried about him as it seemed quite serious. Brick pulled out at this stage and the boys who no longer had Brick to chase, eventually reached St Ives just before 5pm. With 60k gone and still 40k to go, Paul looked grumpy and tired. On with the head lamps and off into the night!

After the boys checked out, Dad and I headed back to drop Bricks gear off to him (his wife was going to pick him up) and then raced back to CP6 at Davidson. We just made it and the boys were in awe of Paul who had lead then out in good time - must have been the red bull!

Again we raced down to the Roseville bridge, but I had my splits wrong and thought it was a quick stage, but it wasn't and they seemed to take an age to get there. Paul was struggling now, but showed great resolve to keep arching along. The next check point was the last and we picked up a pizza for the boys. It was cold by the time they got there as they had waked most of the way. Paul looked rooted!

Again off they went, marching off to the finish. I took dad home and watched the guys cross the spit bridge. Nearly there. The boys eventually arrived to a subdued post midnight gathering and they were glad to have made it. Terry looked like he had run 10k.

The final result was 20th position in 17:24 and 1st in the financial service division( however not a full team). Raised $1,500 for Oxfam. Not a bad day out.

Taking Scott and Paul home, they were both resolute that they would never do that again. We'll see. Watching from the sidelines however has made me more keen for a 100k than ever. Just have to wait now till there is another one...

1 comment:

Sub50 said...

I'll crew!