Friday, January 01, 2010

2009 Mileage

My 5th year of running after a 2005 NY resolution. The yearly numbers are creepily consistent.

JAN - 118 (B:0, S:0)
FEB - 253 (B:0, S:0)
MAR - 221 (B:24, S:8)
APR - 325 (B:0, S:0)
MAY - 185 (B:0, S:0)
JUN - 301 (B:0, S:0)
JUL - 295 (B:0, S:0)
AUG - 15 (B:285, S:0)
SEP - 20 (B:245, S:0)
OCT - 72 (B:467, S:2)
NOV - 129 (B:420, 12)
DEC - 247 (B:0, S:0)

YTD - 2,181 (B:1,441, S:22)

2008 - 2,013 (B:1,665, S:11)

2007 - 2,088 (B:2,422, S:57)

2006 - 2148

2005 - apx 1,500

First half of the year was good resulting in some good PB's. 2nd half of the year was poor due to injury.


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