Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Something to blog about...

After 2 weeks of doing next to nothing post B2H, I realised there was only 7 weeks till sixfoot. Time to get my a$%# into gear.

Mon – 9 (loop of the city)
Tues – 20 (Shelly Beach Loop and then 3 x Beacon Hill climb)
Wed – 14 (run to work)
Thursday – 9 (loop of the city)
Fri – 10 (anzac bridge loop)
Sat – 31 (Manly Dam loop + Shelley Beach/North Head loop) - first part with Paul, 2nd part with Seris.
Sun – 7 (trundle down to Manly to reach the magic 3 figures)

Total - 100k

The Beacon Hill climb is great training for sixfoot. Exactly 1k long and 100m of elevation. 4 reps for Mini and 4 reps for Pluvio. The reps were done in about 9:20 up ad 4:15 down. Was stuffed afterwards and stiff the next few days. One of these sessions each week should be good training as I have never done any hills before sixfoot before.

Feeling pretty good an surprisingly fit.

Next 3 weeks is key. See if I can keep it up.


Jen said...

I didn't realise that you had done B2H again. How did it go?

Nice work on this weeks training. Long may it continue!

Samurai Running said...

Hey Hamburglar,

Thanks for your support/comment.

Yes mate come if and when you can it's a blast and definitely worth a look. Let me know if there is anything your not sure about.

By the way, you got into 6ft! That is a trick in itself. I heard places went fast this year. All the best with it.

And any friend of "Jen runs" is a friend of mine ;)