Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nepean Triathlon 2009

My 3rd Nepean triathlon in 3 years. It seems like it is the annual novelty event and something that keeps me movitated when in need of a rest from the grind of running.

This year it was an enforced rest with my foot injury. Months of missed running was somehow substituted with as much cycling as I could squeeze in. Right from the start I felt fit on the bike, obviously the good running fitness was passed onto the cycling. I mostly did my cycling as a 15k hilly comute to work with a few long rides squeezed in on the weekends.

The running was slowly coming back in November and I made a late charge with a few swims. The mileage in the 2 previous months for the last 3 years was:

2007 - S: 25k B: 817k R: 218k

Result: 21:53, 57:59 and 43:31 for 2:03:24

I was training for a half ironman, so was pretty serious. The swim was non wetsuit.

2008 - S:9k B: 400k R:227

Result: 22:18, 60:17 and 43:01 for 2:05:38

Lack of any good training showed - even the wetsuit aided swim was poor.

The training for 2009 was nothing flash, however the cycling k's were not too bad:

2009 S: 13k B: 857k and R:191

I was hoping for 23, 58 and 43 for 2:03. What I got was 23:09, 59:24 and 44:30 for 2:07:04.

The swim was good. I hadn't done much training, I am an aweful swimmer and there was no wetsuits. To get out of the water in 23:09 was fine. I took off on the bike and was flying. 36-37k/hr and feeling good. Along the back straight, it was carnage. There was a few of us coming up on some slower riders as well as the faster riders overtaking us. There was three riders wide in some stages and people everywhere. Out onto the road and a tehnical official road up to me and told me I was pinged for drafting. I couldn't believe it. I was completely deflated. My race was over just like that.

I pushed on and did what I could to grin and bear it until I stepped into the penalty box. One other young rider in his teens also came in who was riding around me at the time I got pinged. The technical official came past and laughed and pointed at the young guy. I think he was trying to teach the young guy a lesson. We both were't impressed and the 3 min wait felt like an hour. Gritting my teeth, I pushed on for the 2nd lap. I was fading, but made the finish in 59:24. A minute faster than last year with a 3min penalty. Stoked.

The running legs had been left on the M7 in July. I struggled the whole way and was glad to hold on for something respectable. At the finish I was totally exhausted. Triathlons are harder than any race I do each year.

Not the result I was looking for, but the bike split was good and that was enough for me. I drove home thinking that it would be good to do more cycling and swimming over the summer and give the sport a real crack, but a month later I have done nil cycling and nil swimming.....looks like I am a runner.

Next year I will train properly for two months and will break 2 hours. That is my new years resolution.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm going to hold you to that ;-)

Hope you & the family had a great Christmas. Best wishes for the new year! x