Sunday, July 08, 2007

Seems like I am getting fit...

Some goods signs in the last few days that seem to indicate that I am getting fit and I am in good shape for cities.

Striders 10k at Homebush and Woodford to Glenbrook were in consideration for the weekend, however I ended up doing neither race. Mrs Burglar was sick and I was chief babysitter. It has been a while since I spent so much time with cheeseburger 1-1 and it was a really fun weekend cruising around the place and getting up to mishief.

I did manage to sneak out for an easy 10k on Sat arvo when cheesburger was snoozin, a great run it was too! 10k in 46:11 @ 4:44 (151) - Shelley beach and return. This is the fastest average pace I have ever done on an easy run. Whilst the legs feel far from 100% with various niggles, I just cruised through in a good clip. Noice.

Mrs Hamburglar assured me she was OK to watch Cheeseburger Sunday morn, so I organised a run with inhisshadow from Manly to Palm Beach to test out the "Northen Beaches Fat Ass" course that I am planning in August. It was a really good run and the time just flew by. I again ate no breakfast and drank only water on the way. It is a really magic run. I took lots of photos which I will post later on. Really looking forward to running back again in Aug. We bumped into Vurt in Cromer - good to finally meet him. We took it pretty easy and walked the bigger hills. All up 30k (excactly - just as g-map said) in 2:54 @ 5:48 (142). The avg HR is very pleasing. Mrs inhisshadow was kind enough to come and pick us up from Palm Beach. A great morning run.

So my hard block of training is now over with only the taper (and carbo load - my favourite) left - yay! A very different marathon prep this time around, with the addition of an avg 2 speed sessions and the much slower long runs aiming at developing fat utilisation. I have now done 6 x 30k runs in seven weeks which is much more than I have done before in the same time frame. The last 4 weeks have seen a mileage of 100, 74, 86 and 80k's which I am very happy with. It will be interesting to see what happens on the day. Hopefully I can crack 3:10.

Edit: 6 x 30k run details:

May 27: 5:50 (143)
June 11: 5:26 (154)
June 17: 5:29 (154)
June 24: 6:01 (150)
July 1: 5:39 (144)
July 8: 5:48 (142)

That is: quite a lot slower than target marathon pace of 4:30/k. Mmm...


Jen said...

Sounds great HB - take it easy during the taper & I'll sure you'll blitz it at Cities!

Spud said...

Nice block of training Chris, looking good for Cities.
I like the sound of your fatass run too, might be up for it, although getting a leave pass a week after 12FT might be hard :)

Good luck at Cities mate.